

发布时间:2022-10-08本文来源: 氢思语




About this Research Topic

Hydrogen gas (molecular hydrogen, H2) has recently attracted the attention of researchers in the health field due to its several beneficial biological activities. For many decades, the application of hydrogen gas in food industries was limited to the hydrogenation of vegetable oils, such as in the production of margarine. However, recent reports have shown several potential applications of molecular hydrogen in different food products and processes. The reducing capacity, antioxidant activity, and the zero residual and eco-friendly properties make hydrogen gas a multi-purpose candidate for different food products and processes.

The aim of this Research Topic is to attract the attention of researchers in the food sciences and technologies to consider hydrogen as a quality parameter and shelf-life determinant for their future projects. Due to the limited research on hydrogen application in the food field, we think that a bespoke collection of the latest hydrogen-related works will be helpful for both researchers and technologists.

This Research Topic will cover various aspects of hydrogen applications along food and beverage production chains:

• The effect of hydrogen on product quality
• The effect of hydrogen on product shelf-life
• The effect of hydrogen on product safety
• The effect of hydrogen on food-related enzymes
• The effect of hydrogen on food-related microorganisms
• The effect of hydrogen on sensorial and nutritional attributes of the product
• The emerging application of hydrogen in food processing
• Use of hydrogen in food and beverage packaging
• Use of hydrogen in animal health and production
• Use of hydrogen in fishery production
• Use of hydrogen in horticultural crops production

All the types of manuscripts are welcomed such as reviews, full research articles, and short communication.

Topic Editor John Hancock declares that they have received PhD student funding support from Water Fuel Engineering. Topic Editor Duried Alwazeer declares that they have received water electrolysis devices from Epoch company. Topic Editor Tyler W. LeBaron has provided various consultancy services on molecular hydrogen. All other Topic Editors declare no competing interests with regard to the Research Topic subject.


Keywords: Hydrogen gas, Food products, Quality, Shelf life, Food processing, Applications


Important Note: All contributions to this Research Topic must be within the scope of the section and journal to which they are submitted, as defined in their mission statements. Frontiers reserves the right to guide an out-of-scope manuscript to a more suitable section or journal at any stage of peer review.
